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Manage Staff Titles & Rates

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Staff Titles & Bill Rates

Getting There

  1. Select More from the Arclight main menu.
  2. Select Your Company Info from the More menu.
  3. Select Staff Titles & Rates


Arclight uses Staff Titles and Rates when generating quotes, scheduling jobs, and generating invoices. Staff Titles are also used when setting permissions in Arclight.

Arclight starts with the following titles:
Master Electrician
$100 / hour
Journeyman Electrician
$50 / hour
$0 / hour

Add New Title

To add a new title and bill rate to your company tap on the "Add New Title" button and provide the information requested.

New titles that are added are granted full access to the Arclight application and Company info. Be sure to set the permissions on the new title.

Change a Title or Rate

To change an existing title or bill rate tap the title you want to change, update the information, and tap "Update".

What's Next?

To control what areas of the application each staff title has access to, see "Manage Permissions".